01b Service Capabilities NPI

New Product Introduction (NPI) Services

Business Objectives: We work with your team to identify cost and timeline objectives.
Technical Data Package Review: Assess initial technical data package to ensure all required information is available and in the proper format.
Detailed Gap Analyses: Our process identifies unique project requirements that may exceed industry standards, reducing the potential for unexpected misalignments.
Single Point of Contact: A dedicated NPI Program Manager coordinates all internal activity, aligning our resources with your objectives.
Team Approach: Subject matter experts from engineering, supply chain, manufacturing, and quality assurance assemble resources based on project scope and configuration.
Seamless Integration: Our team becomes a virtual extension of your operation.
Custom Report Formats: “Action Registers” configured for your project requirements are maintained by your NPI project manager and serve as the baseline for all communications.
Periodic and Structured Reviews: Defined and scheduled project reviews that provide the basis for resource allocation and constraint management to drive progress.
Design Assist (DFx): Value added engineering assistance to optimize your product for cost and manufacturability, validate supply chain sourcing decisions, improve process development, while collaborating with your design engineering team.
Prototyping: For early engagement opportunities, our prototyping capability validates manufacturability, accuracy of BOM, and functionality of product design.
Pre-Production Product/Process Verification: Through a robust first article process, we verify BOM and costs, finalize documentation package, and prepare for production.
Early Risk Identification: We identify risks and exposures early in the process so that solutions can be quickly incorporated.
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